Hi! I'm ProtocolBeta!

This guide is a (hopefully) no stupid fool proof way to set up a server. I will be covering:
-SQL Setup
-Database Setup
-Server Setup
-Webfiles Setup


V1.0: Release

Server files include:

Talismen: Working
Jades: Working
BDN Normal


BDN Hardcore not working.
Cleric Getting hit is bugged. FIX (Andre YCL Provided thank them!) HERE (Place in server side: char/player/cleric
Sorceress is Bugged: FIX (Andre YCL provided thank them!) (HERE) (Place in Server side:char/player/sorceress)

Download for files here: CLICK ME TO DOWNLOAD
Download Client Here: CLICK ME TO DOWNLOAD

The files in "Server.zip" that you download and extract include: 


XAMMP: Webfile setup.
Dragon Nest Information Startup: Has all the passwords and commands you need.
SQL: SQL 2008 R2 SP2 and SQL Management Studio.
DNConfig: A Folder that contains what you will be hosting on your Webserver.
dn: Your server. Contains Gameres and Database files. 

Included in the dn folder: Dragon Nest GM Sheet.txt which shows all the GM Commands, MAPIDs, and setjob commands.

Once you finish setting up the server: Click here to learn how to change the name of your server.

Once you finish setting up the server: Click here to learn how to edit the UI and translate the client!

Fixes included in these files already:

Playerleveltable.dnt fix located here

Anything else you must fix yourself.

Let's begin!

Step 0:
Minimum System Requirements:

You should be able to run server and client on same computer with:

8 GB Ram
64 bit OS (Windows)
Intel i3 Processor or equivalent. 
Administrator Rights for your computer.

Step 1: XAMMPClick xampp-win32-1.8.3-5-VC11-installer and run as an administrator. 
Wait for it to load and click next:

Check all and click next:

Choose where to install it and hit next (I would keep normal spot):

Uncheck Bitnami and hit next:

Just hit next again.

Let it install you will get this when it finishes. Let it start if your gonna do your server now either way click finish:

You should (if you hit start now) get a control panel like this:

We will come back to that later.

Step 2: Webserver

Go back to your Server folder and find the DNConfig folder.

Open: C:\xampp\htdocs (or wherever you put your XAMMP installation)

Drag the folder "DNConfig into htdocs:

So the path for the file "PatchList" is: C:\xampp\htdocs\DNConfig\PatchList.xml (or wherever you installed XAMMP)

After that you're done with Webserver.

Step 3: SQL Setup:Go back to your Server folder and open the SQL Folder.

Inside you see:

Double click: SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe and it will show it extracting the setup files.

It will load a screen like this: Hit "New installation or add features to an existing installation"

After hitting it you will be greeted with:

Check "I accept the license terms" and hit next, it will show a stetup screen then show:

Check all and hit next.

Hit next make sure to keep the name SQLExpress.

Hit "Use the same account for all SQL Server services"

It will pop up the above window. Hit Browse.

Type the account username of your computer in the "Enter the object name to select" (example my name is Beta on this test PC)

Click Check Names

Should show COMPUTERNAME-PC\USERNAME (in example mine is BETA-PC\Beta 

Hit Ok

Back at this screen it should show your Account Name now. Type in your password for logging into your computer. Don't have one? Go make one.

Should look like this now. Click next.

Hit "Mixed Mode" and type in a password, it doesn't have to be the same one as your account, but remember it.

Hit next after you type a password.

Hit next again.

It will start installing.

When it's done you should get:

Then you're good. Hit close and close out of the "new installation" page it is still open too.

Next for Management studio:

Go back to your server folder and select SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe

Open it and will extract like the last one.

Hit "New installation or add features to an existing installation."

It will load a setup check then the actual setup:

Hit New installation or add shared features and then click next.

Check that you accept the terms and hit next.

Select all and hit next.

Hit next and let it install.

If all is well it should show:

After that hit close and you're done with the SQL Setup.

Step 4: DatabasesGo back to your Server folder and find the dn folder.

this folder so the path is: C:\DN

Now open SQL Management Studio and Log in.

Right click Database and hit Attach.

Hit Add

Find DN > Server > Database and select a database to attach.

Let's start with DNGSM.

Hit OK

The window will close and there is your DNGSM database.

Repeat steps for the other 4 database.

When you're done it should look like this.

Now: Go to your Server folder, and find the "Dragon Nest Information Startup.txt" document.

Open it and find:

Go back to your SQL and pull down "Security" and right click "Login."

Click New Login:

Check "SQL Server Authentication"

In Login name: DragonNest
In Password and Confirm Password: 1B63162685d441a

ncheck Enforce Password Expiration and User must change password at next login.

Hit ok and you're good.

Now repeat the same steps for SPExecutor with a random password.

Now you should have a:

DragonNest user with: 1B63162685d441a as password.

and a

SPExecutor user with: any password.

Next hit New Query:

In the Query run this script:

use DNMembership
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'DragonNest', 'DragonNest'

use DNWorld
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'DragonNest', 'DragonNest'

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'DragonNest', 'DragonNest'

use DNServerLog
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'DragonNest', 'DragonNest'

use DNMembership
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'SPExecutor', 'SPExecutor'

use DNWorld
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'SPExecutor', 'SPExecutor'

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'SPExecutor', 'SPExecutor'

use DNServerLog
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'SPExecutor', 'SPExecutor'

Now click "Execute"

If successful you will get this

Now close the query and go back to your DragonNest user in your Logins.

Right click it and hit Properties.

Will show a window like this: hit server roles

It will pull up a window like this:

Check all so it looks like this:

Click User Mapping:

Check and make sure all dngsm, dnmembership, dnserverlog, dnstaging, and dnworld are checked.

Make sure everything under: Database role membership is checked also like below:

Hit Ok and close out of SQL.

If you get issues with this (like an error with Dragon Nest user, look at troubleshooting)

Click here to go to Troubleshooting!